Friday 28 April 2017

1. Who is the audience for the advertisement? How can you tell? What assumptions do the advertisers make about the audience?

i would say they are aiming for ages from 13-21. I can tell because any thing before 13 is to young id say like the parents are still the stage more so then not that the kids aren't  allowed pop. for any thing over 21 they aren't drinking pop they are to busy drinking alcohol and then even older they just don't like pop. They are assuming that because they are younger they think that the funniness of the commercial and the thought that it gives this big boost of energy will come to you will will sink into the kids because they are naive.

2.Is this a populist advertisement? Or an elitist one? How can you tell? What traditions or standards does it rely upon to be understood in these terms?

It is definitely a populist commercial cause they want every type of person drinking mountain due. I can tell because its a drink every one drinks so why limit the profit of the sales buy only wanting some people to drink it. People need energy or want it i guess but they are saying this drink will give you energy that's all you really need to understand.

3. What is your prior knowledge of the product? Of the advertisement? How does this help you understand the ad's meaning?

Well I've known about mountain due since i was little it has been around for a long time. I just started seeing a lot of the kick start commercials not that long ago from watching YouTube and stuff like that. It Doesn't really help much t all I've always know it gave you a little sugar rush or energy what ever you wanna call it and i know it tastes good.

4.In what ways is the add designed to manipulate you into buying the product? What emotions does it play upon? What desires does it com modify?

They make you think that these crazy things are going to happen to you and you are gonna have a butt load of fun but really you might get a small sugar rush and you'll just be drinking some unhealthy stuff. doesn't really play with any emotions just looked funny. none reallly still just a funny looking add.

5. What unstated messages does the ad convey? What themes does it employ? What does the ad tell us about American culture?

That is is unhealthy as heck and it probably isn't the greatest for kids. The themes are kinda random not really a specific theme other then its got be funny. Americans are retarded but know how to make a good ad :).

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